Thursday, February 5, 2009

I have thought of writng a Blog off and on some time but never really did much with the idea. I suppose I am like alot of people who have ideas that I never actually put feet to many of my ideas. This week I began looking at things with an inside perspective contemplating why things are the way they are.

Let's take this week for instance. I got up on Monday and was spending some time reading my Bible and devotions when I began to ache all over. I could feel my temperature begin to rise and my body began to shake and shiver uncontrolably. IT was back!

A few years ago I had a gone in for my annual check up and my doctor was very alarmed that my Blood Pressure was much higher than it had been since he began treating me a few years earlier. After he gave me some immediate and short term prescriptions and test; sent me to a Cardiologist to make sure I didn't have some series problems. I couldn't understand I was going to the gym 4 to 5 times a week. I did tell the doctor that I was very tired most of the time and was gaining weight inspite of my attempts drop the pounds.

I went to the Cardiologist who began adding new Blood Pressure Medications which for the most part made my legs swell and still didn't bring the Blood Pressure to a more reccomended rate. While some brought it down a little my weight continued to increase and my tiredness continued. I did several of the standard tests (I guess since I am not a Doctor) stress tests 24 hour Urine tests, echocardiogram and then it was suggested I go through an angiograham. I went for my scheduled test where they took photos of my veins looking for tell tale blockage of my circulatory system only to find my blood vessels were in good shape. After sitting a home with my now glued together incision and following Doctors orders. My wife thought she had kept me under wrap long enough she let me ride with her as she took our children to the youth group at church and get out. It was great to be out in the fresh air. Afew hours later while watching a movie I began to feel strange and all of a sudden began to feel cold. Which is quite surprising on a hot Summer night in West Texas. After an hour my temperature rose to just under 104 degrees. My wife was very shaken and my kids scared and I was to the point of being delusional. After all the hospital tests and more antibiotics and more days at home recuperating with my legs getting bright red and hot to the touch with added swelling. I recovered! Only to find out that I had probably caugh a Staph Invection! In researching and talking to my Doctor I will be subject to out breaks the rest of my life. The final test that was done a sleep study which finally determined that I have Sleep Apnea which is controlled by a CPAP machine I use when I sleep.

After having this dreaded infection laying dormant in my body now for close to 8 years and after numerous outbreaks at first every 6 months or so with outbreaks getting less frequent and less severe of late.

The outbreak that began on Monday of this week has turned out to be one of the most severe in several years. It took most of two days to get my fever to come down and was even to the point the Doctor wanted to put me in the hospital if I didn't start showing a little progress. Thankfully I began to show improvement.

That is why I decided to try and write a Blog a journal of type to whoever might want to read about how I need to take care of my Life. In the course of this week I realized I had let my weight get to 350 pounds, I let cares of life take hold of my self esteem and the fire of living as God intended it to be was dwindling. I believe that I can do more to Live for the rest of my Life.

I didn't just get to be 350 pounds over night. I didn't begin to loose the zest for life yesterday I didn't begin to grow old last week. I have did it little by little over the years. I hope in the weeks and months to come I will share some of my thought and dreams and aspirations. I am 56 years old and for my full time income at present I drive a pilot truck escorting oversize loads. I will face several obstacles in some of my goals to get weight down and excersize up as I travel on the highways. I believe with God's help it can be done.